No More Bland Photos: Free Stock Images for Real Estate | Canva Tutorial & Tips

Hey there, Insta-savvy Real Estate Pro! 📸

Ever found yourself scrolling through Instagram and pausing on a picture not because it’s flashy, but because it just... feels real? Yep, we’ve all been there. And in the vast world of real estate on Instagram, where every agent is showcasing a dream home, there’s a secret sauce to standing out – keeping it real with your images.

Why Your Insta Pics Need to Keep It Real:

  1. It's Like a Virtual Handshake: Genuine snaps (think: you laughing during a house showing or a candid family moment at a new property) give off a "Hey, I'm real and so is this experience" vibe. It’s like offering a warm handshake, but through pixels and filters. 🤝

  2. No More Scroll-By Casualties: Real talk – we’re all kinda tired of those cookie-cutter stock images, aren’t we? But a pic that tells a story? That’s Insta gold. It's more pause-worthy, like-worthy, and share-worthy.

  3. Let Them Picture Their Morning Coffee There: Instead of just an empty, pristine living room, what about showcasing a serene Sunday morning vibe, complete with a coffee mug, some sunlight, and maybe a pet lazing around? Makes you wanna be there, right?

Here's How You Can Nail Authenticity on Instagram:

  1. Capture the Little Moments: Those impromptu moments? Gold! Like when a potential buyer’s face lights up seeing the kitchen or a kiddo choosing their room. Snap and share!

  2. Feature Those Happy Faces (With a Nod): Nothing screams authenticity louder than happy clients holding their new house keys. Of course, always get a thumbs up before posting!

  3. The Unseen Behind-the-Scenes: Prepping for a property showing? Or maybe just grabbing a quick coffee in-between visits? Share it. It's raw, real, and so relatable.

  4. Embrace the #ClientDiaries: Loved it when your client shared their first BBQ in their new backyard? Share that joy! And give them a fun shoutout.

  5. Good Quality Still Counts: Real doesn't mean blurry. Every now and then, getting a pro to capture high-quality yet genuine moments can be a game-changer.

Wrap Up:

So, dear real estate champs, in the grand theatre of Instagram, let’s ditch the script and keep it real. Your audience doesn’t just buy properties; they buy experiences, stories, and a bit of that human touch. Let's give them a slice of real life, one genuine post at a time. Happy 'gramming! 🌟🏡

And if you need some help finding images that feel a little less bland, check out our 2-minute tutorial below: